The Adventures of Captain Nipples and Poncho Ponchius THE SAGA BEGINS Long ago in a town far, far away there lived a young man by the name of Kevin Splehp (he was Jewish). Kevin enjoyed body piercing, and one day decided to get his nipples pierced. Little did he know that the posts that were used to pierce his nipples had been exposed to deadly Gamma radiation. And so our hero is born. Empowered with huge nipples with super powers our hero fights for the justice of nipples everywhere. For he dreams that one day all nipples will be free.
The Adventures of Captain Nipples and Poncho Ponchius
Long ago in a town far, far away there lived a young man by the name of Kevin Splehp (he was Jewish). Kevin enjoyed body piercing, and one day decided to get his nipples pierced. Little did he know that the posts that were used to pierce his nipples had been exposed to deadly Gamma radiation. And so our hero is born. Empowered with huge nipples with super powers our hero fights for the justice of nipples everywhere. For he dreams that one day all nipples will be free.
Episode 1 : For the love of a Cat
Episode 2: The Search for Quigmond
Episode 3: Viva la France!
Episode 4: A Love Story...Sort of...
Episode 5: Soup's ON!
Episode 6: Two Honkies a Black man and a Baby
Episode 7: Welcome Weekend, GO AWAY!